What makes a good death? This is a question that many people prefer not to think about in their day-to-day lives. However, for patients facing an uncertain future, it is…

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(573) 756-7066What makes a good death? This is a question that many people prefer not to think about in their day-to-day lives. However, for patients facing an uncertain future, it is…
Some of my most cherished memories of the days I spent as a Youth Pastor back in the 80s are those related to making Valentine’s cakes and cookies. The baking,…
There’s an important medical term that you may not have heard of: Palliative Care. “Palliate” means to make comfortable by treating a person’s symptoms resulting from a serious illness. Hospice…
How to pay for the rising costs of health care? Concerns over these costs are shared not only by elected officials but by almost every family across the country. Many…
The winter holidays are generally perceived as “the most wonderful time of the year.” But for those who are facing grief after the death of a loved one, the holidays…
By Greg Schmidt, Chaplain, Heart & Soul Hospice Wichita Did you know that when you break a peanut apart, you discover a miniature “Santa Claus” on the inside? Some people…
Americans across the country celebrate Veterans Day on November 11, a special day to salute the men and women who have bravely served our country in the military. These fellow…
A hospice nurse was recently asked, “How can you work in hospice – it must be so sad!” She answered, “I love providing highly-skilled, compassionate care because I know I…
If your pet isn’t in your estate plans, it’s time to remedy that By Richard Eisenberg for Next Avenue Maybe you heard that Joan Rivers left a portion of her…
Five things you may think about hospice that aren’t true By Jacob Edward for Next Avenue In the past 40 years, attitudes towards death and dying in America and much…